5.2 The Beyond NEET(D)s Online Platform
The Beyond NEET(D)s Personal Integration Map (PIM) is a gamified open education resource, which builds on the didactical approach developed in the Beyond NEET(D)s Integrated Guidance Model (IO2) and takes the pedagogical concept a step further. PIM features a modular and customisable open-source online environment, utilising a gamified reward system in order to engage young people at risk of social and economic exclusion that are usually hard to reach. The platform also offers mechanisms for close-knitted monitoring and communication between mentors and mentees so as to facilitate the mentorship process and make it even more effective.
The value of the Personal Integration Map (O3) lies in its ability to empower disadvantaged youth into finding the strength and stamina to make use of individualised labour market services that support their social inclusion. This might be the first time that some of the target group members get in contact with official bodies that allow their formal registration and help them gain a NEET status. For some others, it will be an improvement to be registered as unemployed as specific requirements are in place before this status is granted. And for some it will even be a crucial step into a VET career or employment.