Project background
Beyond NEET(D)s is a project aimed at people who are not in education, employment, or training ("NEETs") or who are completely disengaged. The project provides open and empowering opportunities that are centered on the individual person, on their needs and personal situation by applying a motivating gamification approach. Through this, NEETs and those currently disengaged will gain access to VET offers and the labour market, and will strengthen their personal confidence and motivation. They will then be able to define and implement skills and steps for entering the workforce or choosing a VET path.
With Beyond NEET(D)s you can Find Your Track!

Beyond NEET(D)s Research Report
This research report presents conditions and needs related to integrated guidance support model and to a motivation and reward-based integration plan approach. Additionally, social service representatives outline their offers and requirements.
Beyond NEET(D)s Integrated Guidance Model
A comprehensive description of the guidance approach. The Model Toolkit contains all the necessary materials and instruments for this very sensitive guidance process and can be used online, offline and in blended learning contexts.

Beyond NEET(D)s Personal Integration Map
A playful online platform for individual support, motivation and guidance between the mentor and mentee. Mentors can choose flexibly from a modular offer of predefined steps and goals suitable for the situation of their mentee.
Beyond NEET(D)s Synergy Accelerator Magazine
This magazine supports the political debate, researches and describes the political conditions in the partner countries (regions), develops synergies with existing projects and initiatives, supports decision-makers in labour market policy-making at regional, national and European level.

Copyright © of all BEYOND NEET(D)S documents and products is held by the BEYOND NEET(D)S Project Partnership. Reproduction (in part), sharing, copying and redistributing of the material in any medium or format is permitted provided the source(s) are acknowledged. Remixing, transforming, and building upon the material in any medium or format is permitted provided the source(s) are acknowledged.
The use of all products is free of charge.